August 20, 2024

E Hana Malie

E Hana Malie

As you continue your ukulele journey, it’s good to keep in mind this Hawaiian phrase that one of my Kumu (teachers) Liko Puha would say to us: “E hana mālie.”  It translates to “Work gradually/calmly/gentle like.”

 So many of us want results NOW! We think we should be much further along than we are. We look at other players who may be advancing more quickly and think, “I must not be any good, or I’d be able to play that well”. We ‘should’ on ourselves and compare ourselves to others to the point that we may even give up.

 The thing is, we ALL feel that way sometimes, regardless of the level. It’s not unusual to hit a plateau, where it seems we stay at the same level for days . . . or weeks . . . or even months. So how do we get over it? By forgetting about watching how others are doing, or harshly judging the speed of progress we’re making. Just keep playing. Keep practicing. Keep making mistakes. I’ll bet you don’t even realize how far you’ve come. Suddenly, you’ll notice that you played that chord, or hit that harmonic, or read that tab. “E hana mālie” – work gradually, calmly, and be gentle with yourself. It will happen

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